Friday, January 21, 2011

Rising up from the ashes

The stroke occurred   in march Of 2009.It was just a few weeks before Easter But,  Come Easter morning I was still In the rehabilitation wing of the Hospital . My oldest son had come by a few days before to visit Me.  he had brought with him a Big balloon which he tried to My hospital Bed .When I woke up on that  Easter morning I lay in the bed watching the balloon float above me And I heard  these words in my head ."This is the morning of your resurrection "I thought oh great! , God's Trying to make me crazy agin!He knows darn well That this is Not my resurrection that we're Recognizing  this morning . But  I  kept Hearing those words . OK, I thought maybe I was suppose think About these wordsSo I lay there and began to think. .Instead of those words  I thought about My Life and how much I  I had lost in a matter of hours.I could no longer walk, see,  use my left arm or hand. I was questioning my ability to be a wife. It felt like I had 'crashed and burned"  It felt like all my Hopes, Dreams , Accomplishments Everything that I had worked for were in flames and were rapidly turning into a pile of ashes. I felt lost and broken I felt like I was rapidly disappearing. My body slowly Dying and my Will And strength withering. If ever in my life I needed God's Strength it was Now . I needed God To nourish my soul and restore my strength. Suddenly those words sounded to me like God was saying  to me" Get up, You can do it and I will help you. I am here with you, I am rooting for you I will give you strength."  I decided that I would try to listen to god's voice one more time.After all I knew that God was the one who could save me. 

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"Our praying needs to be pressed and pursued with an energy that never tires, a persistency which will not be denied, and a courage tha...