Sunday, January 30, 2011

on on seeing God In the everyday people

Maybe it was the sermon being preached this morning. I don't really know what it was that got me thinking about god in everyday people . My morning had begun rather negatively. I found myself sitting in church Sulking over how lonely I was feeling in the crowd. I could hear the voices of people speaking all around me. But what I did not hear was a voice of one person speaking to me.It  doesn't  really matter who does it but someone speaking to me can  break through the loneliness I feel daily. When gradually the voice that was God in me began to speak. As I listened to The voice of God in me, the voice that brings reason to my craziness . I Began to feel  like God was urging me to take a look back at the past couple of days. So that I could recognize  all the times that He, God and had been there in the faces of other people.Yes, I know I get grumpy because of my disabilities but what an opportunity my Disabilities  are for God to show up  in my life. For example One of the  students  In  the counseling program that I am in took me to lunch the other day. Unknowingly we chose a restaurant with stairs. As I took a deep breath and and began to summon up my courage to climb the steps. I heard the voice of a young man Asking me,  "do you need help?"As I turned towards the voice I saw a God in the form of a 20 year old college student who was offering to assist me up the steps. You might Wonder What  Is so  unusual about that ? But quite frankly  it is  seldom that I find people offering to assist me. People  are Usually Surprised by  me. They don't know what to do around me and the brokenness they see. because they don't know what to do they do nothing. Now this might be out of their respect or this might be out of their confusion who knows. But that day God showed himself and the kindness of a college student a complete stranger . At times I see God in the people at my church. I might be offered a hand or a seat. But what I Also need  is for someone to connect With  me. Make eye contact speak with me.My  body doesn't work well , since the stroke. But my mind is still there and more importantly my feelings my humanness is  still there. As I look back I can see that god has showed himself to me in the form of many people. I see god in a woman and her husband who take me every week to the art store or so I can go and paint(yes  even though I can't see much I still try to paint) God has shown himself to me as the arm of a woman is a stranger to me who offered to help me at church. God has shown himself to me in the many people who have helped to me with transportation to and from where I needed to go. God has shown himself to me and in the love and the care that my husband gives me each day.  Most importantly of all god has shown himself in that voice that tells me don't give up.  As I am recovering and getting stronger each day God shows himself in the people who show me their kindness and their compassion and mercy. As I write this I am reminded of the scripture where Moses(or some one) is up on the mountaintop and and he is looking for god. First he encounters a storm with the thunder and then a strong wind but he does not encountered god. Until he hears a small voice that whispers to him. We too encounter god and in those whispers of life. I hope as you or your loved ones who are recovering from brain injury find god whispering to them in people in their  every day life.where have you encountered God in the whispers of life?

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Susan, you are awesome!


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